Customs and border
Like everything in Azyra, the customs and border facilities are seamlessly integrated with freight and warehousing.
Customs and border entries are handled directly within freight jobs. The customs and border status is always shown alongside the operating status.
Control tower
Azyra automatically identifies jobs requiring customs and border entries and provides a control tower to manage customs and border activity.
Commercial invoices
Commercial invoices and complete entries can be sent and received via EDI and APIs with customers, agents and suppliers.
Dual export and import
Freight jobs can have customs and border entries for both the exporting and importing countries with the same commercial invoice data.
Template entries greatly reduce the work required to process customs and border entries.
Accounting for customs tax
Customs tax paid from your account is automatically invoiced to the customer (with optional service fee) while purchase invoices are posted to a special supplier account so there’s nothing to reconcile.
Automatic alerts
Automatic alerts and notifications for customs activity can be easily set up and sent by email, EDI or SMS.
Accurate reporting
Customs tax is excluded from turnover, revenue and margin reporting.
Azyra has customs and border facilities for the UK, Ireland and in development for the US. Our data-driven framework allows rapid implementation for other countries. We will partner with consultants and resellers with customs knowledge in other countries.