Seamless purchasing
All of Azyra’s features for customer orders are mirrored seamlessly for purchasing and supplier management.
Purchase planning
Your supply planners can see stock availability, customer orders and sales forecasts across multiple warehouses and countries – including schedule supplier orders, goods in transit – even live putting away and picking.
Supply control tower
The purchasing orders control tower provides easy management of supplies from orders through goods in transit, receipt, putting away and invoice processing.
Email, EDI and APIs
Purchase orders can be placed by email, EDI or directly into your suppliers’ systems using their APIs.
Know your suppliers
Your supply management people have immediate access to everything about your suppliers – orders placed, prices, promotions, rebates, delivery schedules, invoices, their account, their quality issues and a complete history of previous orders and receipts.
Supplier promotions
The comprehensive features for managing and accounting for customer promotions are mirrored for suppliers. This enables you to fine-tune your purchasing to take advantage of your suppliers’ promotions and seasonal pricing.
Accruals control
When goods are received, accruals are automatically posted with full double entry. The accruals ledger has comprehensive facilities including age analysis, integration with purchase invoices and write-off control and reporting.
Invoice processing
Supplier invoices received by EDI or ORC are automatically processed while manual invoices are easily matched.
Automatic alerts
Automatic alerts by email, EDI and SMS are easily set up to advise suppliers of events related to their orders.
Multiple dispatches and back orders
Supplier orders can have multiple dispatches and backorders.
Returns are easily managed and accrued ready for automatic credit note matching.
Supplier pricing
All of Azyra’s powerful customer pricing facilities are mirrored for purchasing. Prices can be based on the order date or the dispatch date. Quantity breaks can be based on the quantity ordered, the quantity dispatched, the initial order quantity earlier in a season or the cumulative quantity.
Compare prices
When preparing purchase orders, competing supplier’s prices are displayed.
Request quotations
You can easily prepare requests for quotation, send them to multiple suppliers and turn the best responses into purchase orders.